Post Processor Example w Custom Options popup window

For those interested in writing their own post processor, this package may provide some example code and ease of use features that interest you.

I have only ‘computer tested’ it thus far for correct pp control logic and operation of the Custom Options pop up window and variable uses within the pp and job. The gcode produced is for GRBL plasma generic dialect and has not been tested on my machine yet. I fully expect all those interested in this pp as a template for their custom pp will modify the gcode production to suit their CNC controller dialect and custom features.

The attached zip file contains 2 sample jobs (one for rotary, one not), two gcode files, the pp, and notes.

Developed on SheetCam TNG Development 7.1.40 Windows
(not tested with but should work on V7.0.21)

This pp produces generic GRBL plasma gcode.
Includes features/options such as:

  • Custom Tool Params examples
  • Custom Operation Params examples
  • ‘Set a post process variable’ Operation examples
  • RotaryPlasma plugin support (but not required to have installed)
  • Includes rotary axis orientation of XA, YA, and YB, see the pp prologue to set as needed.
  • Torch Probe TouchOff cycle (but not required)
  • Arc As (G01) Moves sheetcam option
  • pp debug tracing example
  • reset of Custom Option values to default definitions

The RotaryPlasma plugin helper is conditionally loaded only if the plugin is installed/enabled, thus typical editing of the pp to remove the loading of the rotaryHelper is not required.

SC pp example w Custom Options (37.8 KB)


well that didn’t take long, I found a bug while doing more testing.
I intended for the ‘First pierce +/- delay’ to be positive or negative value, but used the unitTIME datatype which does not allow negative values. oh well, changed it to unit2DECPLACE datatype to fix.

SC pp example w Custom Options v2-1.scpost (17.1 KB)

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