Confessions of a Sheetcam Face Plant

After going through every video on sheetcam that I could find, I still have never been able to get Sheetcam and the Masso with the DTHC to dance together. I am self-taught, and that I am sure part of the issue. I am sure if I saw one up to date video with the latest SC version, from start to finish, I might be able to get it all to work. I have to be honest, the concepts of part, job, toolset, template, and drawings and other nomenclature are a bit blurry to me. I hope that it is not too much to ask, but would the developer of Sheetcam consider a Sheetcam / Masso video with CNC Nutz, AKA Peter? He is the chief trouble shooter for them. Thank you in Advance!

That’s a reasonable suggestion. I’m already on their forum (as bLouChip) and I’m aware of CNCNutz expertise, in fact he is the publisher of the following info…

I just browsed Masso’s forum for ‘sheetcam’ and found quite a bit of recent traffic in the past 30 days. CNCNutz is involved. They reference a Sheetcam post processor named ‘MASSO G3 Plasma with Scribe v2.1.scpost’. After further searching their site, I found the scpost here,
along with copious usage instruction (which I have not fully read yet) and several updates to the original scpost info, so please read the entire referenced thread.

I then compared this scpost with apparent previous versions that are shipped with Sheetcam, and this v2.1 seems much improved in terms of function and ease of use. It does support the DTHC.

Please advise if help is still needed after all of these instructions have been read, digested, and applied.

hi plasmamonster, i have a masso g3 touch using masso dthc and sheetcam. I am by far not an expert but could try and answer your questions

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Thank you! Have you had any issues with Snippets?

Hi, no i haven’t. M666 and m667 for thc are the basics

Did you see the post by cncnutz on the masso forum about the correct post processor and start up path rules? Lots of good information, if not a little jumbled

What issues are you getting?

Yes, I did see that. For some reason the my post processor reverses those two commands with the latest PP. May be an isolated issue with mine.

Do you happen to have a file (anything) that is known to work with the DTHC, that I could look at? I just want to go line by line to see where things go astray.

I could send you a copy of my pp, it has the rapids slowed down but should help
Would a working tap file help?

Could send those in the morning

MASSO G3 Plasma with Scribe v2.1 modified rapid.scpost (8.6 KB)

battery switch.tap (7.1 KB)