Hace you considered a SheetCAM plugin API?

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Hace you considered a SheetCAM plugin API?

Post by jemmyell »

Hi Les,

I have done much more reading about DDE. Nonbody loves it, even Microsoft. Have you thought about a Plugin API if you don't want to expose a COM object model? You could just do a LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress of the main plugin DLL entry points and allow the plugin to register for services. These services could be the LoadJob(), LoadDrawing(), etc. The plugin could register a notification window where you could send process completion notices, etc...

The plugin could then expose whatver API was approriate for it's clients, or just do local processing to enhance SheetCAM.

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Les Newell
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Hace you considered a SheetCAM plugin API?

Post by Les Newell »

That would work but you would have to write a plugin that talks to your
macro. As the current problem is finding a good way to talk to your
macro, I don't think it would be any real advantage. Would you be
interested in writing a plugin if I provided the interface?

I am currently investigating COM and I may implement it if it isn't too
difficult. The problem is that I intend to rewrite the GUI at some point
in the not too distant future using the wxWidgets cross platform
toolkit. This will enable me to release both Linux and Windows versions
of SheetCam. wxWidgets does not directly support COM as there is no
Linux equivalent.

I have done much more reading about DDE. Nonbody loves it, even Microsoft. Have you thought about a Plugin API if you don't want to expose a COM object model? You could just do a LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress of the main plugin DLL entry points and allow the plugin to register for services. These

Yes, I will write the first plugin

Post by jemmyell »

Hi Les,

Yes, I will write the first plugin and collaborate on the interface definitions if you wish. Since the plugin will be running in-process with SheetCAM it is the best place to implement platform specific interfaces like COM (IDispatch for VB). Plugins will also enhance SHeetCAM greatly if you let us hook the processing, allowing third party import routines, etc.

This does need to be carefully defined.

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Les Newell
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Hace you considered a SheetCAM plugin API?

Post by Les Newell »

Sounds good to me. Hooking the import routines shouldn't be a problem. I
had originally intended the import filters to be plugins so a lot of the
infrastructure is already in place. Export/post processing is also
modular and based on C style callbacks so it would be easy to make that
available to the plugin.

Process definitions are a bit more tricky. Exposing Borland C++ classes
would probably be a bad idea because that would force the plugins to be
built with the Borland compiler. I think we need to keep to a pure C
interface which is compiler independent.

I'll have a think about a spec. If you have any ideas then let me know.


jemmyell wrote:
Hi Les,

Yes, I will write the first plugin and collaborate on the interface definitions if you wish. Since the plugin will be running in-process with SheetCAM it is the best place to implement platform specific interfaces like COM (IDispatch for VB). Plugins will also enhance SHeetCAM greatly if you let us hook the processing, allowing third party import routines, etc.

I almost have a prototype running

Post by jemmyell »

Hi Les,

I spent the weekend exploring ideas and ended up writing a prototype system in VC++ and VB.

Basically, I have an MFC app that calls 'PluginStartup' in InitInstance and 'PluginShutDown' in ExitInstance. In PluginStartup I pass a pointer to a data structure that has two arrays, one of process IDs (ID_LOADJOB for example) and one of function callback pointers. The MFC app (emulating the SheetCAM process) does all interfacing to C functions using LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress.

The prototype plugin is a MFC appwizard DLL that is a straight C function library AND a COM inprocess server to talk to VB.

I am using a thread instantiated in the 'SheetCAM' (my prototype process) process space to issue the callbacks to the initiating process. I have a named event in that thread that can be signaled from the COM object attached to VB to cause the callbacks to be made

I have good results on all fronts, but still some difficulties passing parameters from VB to the callback thread. I do have shared memory in the DLL but it does not seem to be part of the COM objects process space, so I must write a parameter passing function for that.

Does all of this sound reasonable?

Do you want me to post the prototype here, or email it to you?

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Les Newell
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Hace you considered a SheetCAM plugin API?

Post by Les Newell »

Hi James,

I have been working on this. SheetCam will look for all dlls in the
SheetCam directory. If they export the function scInit() then they are
loaded and scInit() is called. SheetCam will look for a number of other
callbacks. If they exist they will be called at the appropriate time,
otherwise they will be ignored. You should be able to link directly to
SheetCam by creating a .lib file from SheetCam.exe using implib. Note
that the functions must be linked by name, not by ordinal. Ordinals
could change, breaking your plugin. I can't provide a Visual C++ library
file as I am using Borland C++builder.

You should be able to attach your source files but you will have to zip
them up first as there are a limited number of file extensions that the
forum will accept.

Have a look at the attached a header file for a list of the functions
that are currently being implemented. Hopefully they should be ready for
the next release


#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllimport)

extern "C"{

/*Functions that SheetCam can call.
Apart from scInit(), all other functions are optional. If they exist
they will be called. If not they will be ignored


/* this function must be implemented. It is called immediately after the
dll is loaded. If it returns false then the dll is ignored

Use PluginID in all calls to SheetCam where it is needed
DLLIMPORT bool WINAPI scInit(int PluginID);

/* called when a plugin's menu is accessed*/
DLLIMPORT void WINAPI scOnMenu(int MenuIndex);


/* Functions available to the plugin*/

/* Load a drawing into the current part
If FileName == NULL then the user will be prompted for a file and
FileType will be ignored.
true if file loaded successfully

DLLEXPORT bool WINAPI scLoadDrawing(LPSTR FileName, scFILETYPES FileType);

/* Load a job. If FileName == NULL then the user will be prompted for a file
true if file loaded successfully
DLLEXPORT bool WINAPI scLoadJob(LPSTR FileName);

/* Check if SheetCam is processing paths. You can still safely call most
functions while SheetCam is processing paths.
true if SheetCam is processing paths
DLLEXPORT bool WINAPI scIsProcessing(void);

/* Run the currently selected post processor. This function will wait for
SheetCam to finish processing paths before returning.
If OutFile == NULL then the user will be prompted for a file name.
true if processing complete with no errors
false if file not opened or there were any errors

/*Menu functions. All menus are referred to by name using the English
translation and excluding the & underline symbol. For example "View"
refers to
the View menu even if it is displayed as 'Anzeige'(German translation).

/*Add a main menu. It will appear before 'Before'. For instance if
Before =="Tools", the menu will appear between 'View' and 'Tools'.
If Before == NULL or the name does not exist then the menu will appear
the 'Help' menu. If 'Name' already exists then no new menu will be
created and
the index of the existing menu will be returned.

Returns: -1 to indicate an error or a unique index number that will be used
by scPluginMenu to refer to the menu.
DLLEXPORT int WINAPI scAddMainMenu(int PluginID, LPSTR Before, LPSTR Name);

/*Add a sub menu. Path is a fully qualified path to the menu. For instance
Options->Complexity would be referred to as as /Options/Complexity.
Note the unix style forward slash!
It is an error for Path to be NULL or to refer to a nonexistent main menu.

Returns: -1 to indicate an error or a unique index number that will be used
by scPluginMenu to refer to the menu.
DLLEXPORT int WINAPI scAddMenu(int PluginID, LPSTR Path, LPSTR Name);

}; //extern"C"

Post by jemmyell »

Hi Les,

This looks good too, but I would encourage the use of 'soft' linkage since that would make the versioning of SheetCAM features easier in the future. I.E. under the plan I was working on, SheetCAM would pass me the full set of callbacks currently available matched by callback ID. I could then call the functions that my version of the plugin was written for without concern for any new features / functions and the associated export .lib associated with that particular compilation. That way everybody that wanted to write a plugin could use only the functions they wanted to, and they would not have to be concerned with changes in the layout caused by recompilation of SheetCAM. Otherwise, I think each plugin will have to relink for each new feature set, since the layout of the function entry points would change in the .lib.

What do you think?

I will post my work in process when I get home so you can see what I am thinking in terms of actual code.

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Les Newell
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Hace you considered a SheetCAM plugin API?

Post by Les Newell »

As long as you link via name rather than ordinal you will be OK. If new
functions are added an older dll simply won't see them. After doing some
experiments I have produced a .def file. You simply link with the .def
file and everything should work. As far as I know .def files are
universal so it should work with any compiler.

This method is a lot simpler for the plugin programmer and (slightly)
more typesafe.


Ok, I will await a test version then

Post by jemmyell »

Hi Les,

Ok, sounds good. When do you think I can get a test version and .DEF file to work up a plugin prototype?

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Les Newell
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Hace you considered a SheetCAM plugin API?

Post by Les Newell »

The attached zip file contains a test version of SheetCam with a demo
dll file. The demo dll adds a new main menu with 'load drawing' and
'load job' sub-menus. It demonstrates most of the currently available

Unzip SheetCam.exe and demo.dll into your SheetCam directory. The other
files are the source files for demo.dll.


PS email subscribers can click on the link below:

OK! Thank you So much!

Post by jemmyell »


This is really great. I will work with this right away.

Thanks so much!


Crashed and burned on first try

Post by jemmyell »

Hi Les,

It looks like the VC++ tools don't support an IMPORTS statement for .EXE level.

Here is the failure message from VC++

Compiling resources...
.\VBDemo.def : warning LNK4017: IMPORTS statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
.\VBDemo.def : warning LNK4017: "SHEETCAM.EXE".scAddMainMenu statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
.\VBDemo.def : warning LNK4017: "SHEETCAM.EXE".scAddMenu statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
.\VBDemo.def : warning LNK4017: "SHEETCAM.EXE".scIsProcessing statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
.\VBDemo.def : warning LNK4017: "SHEETCAM.EXE".scLoadDrawing statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
.\VBDemo.def : warning LNK4017: "SHEETCAM.EXE".scLoadJob statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
.\VBDemo.def : warning LNK4017: "SHEETCAM.EXE".scRunPost statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
Creating library Debug/VBDemo.lib and object Debug/VBDemo.exp

VBDemo.dll - 0 error(s), 7 warning(s)

Here is what my .DEF file looks like:

; VBDemo.def : Declares the module parameters for the DLL.

DESCRIPTION 'VBDemo Windows Dynamic Link Library'

DllCanUnloadNow PRIVATE
DllGetClassObject PRIVATE
DllRegisterServer PRIVATE


If you have an import .LIB I would like to give that a try, if I may.

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Les Newell
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Hace you considered a SheetCAM plugin API?

Post by Les Newell »

Hi James,

I can't provide you with an library because Borland C++ Builder libs
aren't compatible with VC++ libs. However you should be able to use
implib to create a .lib. With Borland the command would be implib
sheetcam.lib sheetcam.exe. I assume the VC++ version of implib will
work in a similar manner.

My only worry is that it may link by ordinal. If it does we will have
severe compatibility problems with different releases.

Somewhere I have an old version of VC++. I'll dig it out and see if I
can convince it to work with a .def file.

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Les Newell
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Hace you considered a SheetCAM plugin API?

Post by Les Newell »

Hmm, I've done some more research and it looks like VC++ doesn't have
implib but it looks like you can generate a .lib from a .def file. Here
is an MSDN article <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q131313/>. From what
I can see you need to create a file called SheetCam.def, containing the
following text:


Now on the command line use LIB /DEF:SheetCam.def
If all goes to plan you should end up with SheetCam.lib which you can
then link to your dll. I would suggest trying my demo first as it is
about as basic as you can get.

Use a dll exports viewer such as
<http://www.heaventools.com/PE_Explorer_ ... Viewer.htm> to check
your dll is exporting scInit and scOnMenu without prepended underscores.


Post by jemmyell »

Hi Les,

Yes, I found some references to this on CodeProject also. I will read the MS article now. I did create a .DEF with the library name and an EXPORTS section, but I'm still getting unresolved externals at link time

enerating Code...
Creating library Debug/VBDemo.lib and object Debug/VBDemo.exp
Demo.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__scAddMenu@12
Demo.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__scAddMainMenu@12
Demo.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__scLoadJob@4
Demo.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__scLoadDrawing@8
Debug/VBDemo.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

VBDemo.dll - 5 error(s), 0 warning(s)

I am definitely implementing your demo until all other issues have been resolved.

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