I just started to look over and work with the Vcarve option. I have not found how to direct the tool path as you can with Plasma to have the option for on the line, inside offset and outside offset. I want to do inlays and would need to be able to select inside or outside functions.
The V carving option is for ‘chip carving’ where the cut depth is dependent on the available space. It’s good for signs and decorative carving but probably not what you want. If you are doing inlays you probably want to pocket the part the inlay goes into and do an outside offset on whatever you are inlaying. Do you have milling/routing enabled? (look in Options->machine)
Thanks for the reply I do have the drilling/milling enabled. I did some test routing today and it will do what I want I will Vcare the inside (pocket)when the shape is only what you want without an outside layer. and it will do the outside(plug) if you have a box around the shape. Vcarve inlays
There is a small detail I need to work out, but it looks very good. This is much easier that EstlCAM, or F-engrave.
I’ve got to ask… acoutjester, what do you mean by Vcarve
vcarving needs a v shaped tool so that you pocket out in a v shape
inlays are a different animal and not vcarving.
the problem I suspect (although never used the software) is vectric has a piece of software called vcarve… but it doesn’t only do vcarving but lots of other processes too… pocket , profile, pocket etc … plus the vcarve operation which is sort of a pocket operation… but instead of routing out to the outer shape what it does is chooses a midpoint between two lines and the knowing the tool is say a 90degree countersink type bit it will drop the z down from the centre point until the outer edges of the tool touch the lines in the cad file on either side of that calculated midpoint toolpath line
keen to see some of your work
I assume you are using the V carving operation to sharpen the corners. You can also do that using ‘overcut corners’ in the ‘Cut path’ tab. Overcut is available in both contour and pocket operations.
Les is overcut the same as a dogbone?
It is if you use a parallel cutter. If you use a V cutter , the cutter ramps up into the corner, creating a sharp corner.
Here is the problem I am having when trying to Vcarve a pocket for creating a inlay. Images attached showing the drawing with cut paths first step is Vcarve the perimeter. If I check the create a pocket it looks like it does that but comes up with errors, (automatically adds the pocket option). Pocket plan shows a 0.125" bit being used for the inside pocket (correct to remove the inside portions) Make no difference if I change the pocketing bit from end mill to V bit. If I plan the Vcarve of the perimeter and then plan a pocket operation with a end mill it cuts to the line removing the angle of the Vcarve,(must have for inlaid pocket and plug).
Now it will allow me to plan the plug portion without a problem. Last image part on next post

As far as I can see it is complaining because there isn’t room for your 0.125 bit in some places. If it was to pocket those areas it would cut into your V cut edges.
Thanks for the reply I still cannot vcarve a pocket of the attached SVG file. I created another tool using a 30 degree V bit it will Vcarve the shape inside but when I click on the create pocket it blows up even using a 30 degree V bit for the pocket tool. I cannot do a spiral pocket with the 30 Degree V bit either. There does not seem to be a way to Vcarve a pocket with this Vcarve option.
I am wanting to do Inlays but I need to be able to Vcarve both a pocket and a flipped plug to fit in the pocket. There are many YouTube videos showing other software Vcarve programs that are able to do that no problem.
Thanks Tom
That crash is definitely not right. Could you send me the job file from just before you post process. What post processor are you using?
Thanks Les I appreciate your time in dealing with this matter, attached are the post processor (generic Mach 3 from the supplied list) and the job as saved in SheetCam
humming bird smooth nodes.job (36.9 KB)
wrong post sorry still a problem
I have tried several times but I can’t get it to crash. I hate it when that happens.
that is how my luck has been running, fails each time I try
thanks for looking at it, not sure what I can do for routing inlays now.
Are you using windows, what version?