Simple 3D-Lines workaround?

Hello Les,
I am using sheetcam since over 4 years now and I am really pleased with the simple handling of the software.

Now I want to insert simple 3D cutting.
I have several line and I want to start on one end on 1mm depth and mill to the other end down to 5mm.

Is there a simple workaround for this?
Maybee to use Part rules or is there a function to not clean up the insert ramp (Ramp Angle).

At the beginning I need this only for POM (cut the complete depth at once), but in the future I will need this feature also for metal (cut in several repetition).

Thank you all in advance.
Regards Finn

has anybody an idea?

I can’t help but i have questions too, its very quiet here at present, not sure if Les is away maybe???

Oops, sorry I missed this thread. I’m afraid there isn’t any way to do this in SheetCam. If it is just a straight line it would be pretty easy to manually edit the g-code

for one it is not a problem. But If I array/duplicate the part it is pretty hard to find all the coordinates. Thank you for the feedback.