Sheetcam wont create G-Code

i have been using sheet cam for a while now, and i have tried a few different programs trying to figure out why it says when i try to create a plasma processes it says unable to path, tool may be too big or file is messed up(my remembering) first i tried to use vectrix and it did not work,so i went and tried to use a website called and i took the dxf from there to no avail, so i researched this and found that i should try rel14(or something with a 14) and once i tried that i got double lines. i exploded the the dxf that was in rel14 and it got rid of the double lines but still would not work, so any advice would be greatly helpful,

Can you give me the exact error message. Could you also send me a copy of the drawing or post it on the forum.

“No paths were generated. The tool nay be too big or there may be a problem with the drawing”

have have tried to save it to a REL14 version and to no luck so if you could tell me how to fix it it would be very helpful, by the way it have some cuts that are not need and i understand that but even with my other files the same thing happens,

I can’t see anything wromng with the drawing. Could you supply the job file as well.

Here it is, Thanks for all the help,

You don’t have the correct layer selected. Open the cut operation and select LAYER_1. That should solve your problem.

thanks so much