Sheetcam on second computer

Hi all,

I have the licensed version of Sheetcam and would like to have a copy on my office computer where I draw, in lieu of the shop computer used with Command CNC. This way I can check for any drawing errors during post processing and avoid going back and forth.

Can someone advise the best way to go about this please.

Thank you,


Licenses are supposed to be for one computer but for home use and one-man businesses I do allow one extra computer. Do you still have the original license email? If so just follow the instructions. If not send me a message with your license ID (look in Help->about) and I’ll send you a copy.

I received the software already installed on a Linux Mini Computer through CandCNC. I will look in Help ->About and send you a copy of the license info.

Thank you…

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Les, this is a concern for me as well. I will take delivery of my new Plasma table from LDR in about 3 weeks.
My shop is not ideal for desk work. It will be a Linux system and I dont have that at the home/office. Will I be able to do design work at home and use a USB stick to shuffle jobs?

Yes you can. If you don’t need simulation you can set up jobs using the evaluation version. The only limitation on the eval version is how much g-code it will generate so you can set up your jobs, save them as a job file then load those job files onto your shop computer to run the post processor.

Thank you

Hi Les,

I’d like to jump on this idea well.

Apologies for dragging up an old thread. But I found it, and this forum on a google search.

I have just recently bought a brand new toy from Fastcut CNC. ( had it about a month )
It came with sheetcam and mach 3.

My issue is the same as the original poster. I do most of my drawing at home on my laptop and run it back and forth to the shop.
It would be a great time and frustration saver to have a second copy on my laptop.
I have a copy of the license ID and registration number I can send to you.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Dan Owens

Send me the license ID in a PM and I’ll get a copy of the license sent out to you.

Thanks Les!

I’m all set up now.
Much appreciated.

I was wondering if at all possible if I could take advantage of this. Like others, I do most of my stuff at home, but having the ability to also use it on the PC at my machine whenever I have to make changes and stuff would be a major time saver.