Sheetcam new version

How do I upgrade my version of sheetcam to get away from version V7.0.21 so I can use text import option

go to, download page, and download Sheetcam TNG Development V7.1.35. Once it installs and you launch it, you should get a popup window advising on an update version to 7.1.40. Click that and it will auto download and install.

Its been a while since I installed sheetcam development version after sheetcam stable version, so I don’t recall it it inherits the settings from stable version, I’m guessing not. So be prepared to copy over your edited post files and toolsets from stable to dev. Find them by going to menu Help-‘Open settings folder’ in both versions. The folders open via Windows Explorer, so after opening them, leave both open and close both sheetcam apps. Then copy toolsets and edited post files. As for license, launch sheetcam dev version, go to Help-‘Install license file’, and navigate to the sheetcam stable version folder to select your license there, or select your license from its backup location where ever you stored it.

Re. importing svg files with Use Text option from inkScape- you noticed the text did not scale the same as other drawn shapes- right ? I’m not sure why that is the case with inkScape created svg files. I don’t have that problem with other CAD produced svg files. It seems like the best file type to use from inkScape is dxf type, don’t need the Use Text option for that case and everything scales correctly.

What is the text import option? Right now I use Fusion 360 for text and explode then stencil. Is there something better?

Sheetcam’s text import option as described in the above post appears to be needed only for certain encoding of SVG files, I have not noticed a need to use it with DXF files.

related- sheetcam also has a simple text tool in menu Mode-Text for adding (typing) your own text directly into an existing drawing (after having performed a drawing import). However, you can’t apply the text to a shape contour line (arc or such) like most CAD program features.

finally, if you find Fusion360 to have a rather complicated UI for just about anything other than drawing a rectangle or circle, then there are many other CAD programs available that are easier to use. I use LightBurn as my 2D CAD, its UI is extremely easy and obvious, just disregard the machine interface and gcode generator. Rather, after designing your part, File-Export to DXF and import into Sheetcam (File-Import drawing) for the toolpath of any CNC process.

Thank you for the explanation. I didn’t realize you could add text after the fact and that could come in handy once in a while. I did battle with Fusion 360 when I first started this. I had never used CNC until I got a small table, It took me about 2 weeks to get done what I can do in about 5 minutes now. :wink:

For some reason,i have no idea what my workflow settled on Fusion 360 and Sheetcam after a lot of groping in the dark, and I am not doing that again, every week I pick up something new and valuable so the knowledge is building. I was pretty happy with myself the other day as I was able to render a crude 3d mock up for a customer. I am too far down that road now to turn around. :wink: I did download a copy of Lightburn about a year ago, I said what I said but I’ll probably give it a look again anyway.

I tried the Fusion 360 processor, actually did my first successful cut with it but it was extremely frustrating and was not intuitive for me. once I tried sheetcam, the simplicity of the basics really clicked for me. I don’t know why anyone would use anything else for post. the more I use it them more cool things i find. it is really a value I think.