Sheetcam fails to load


First off, this is not a big deal.

Since I converted my system over to Linux, I’ve had one small problem. Every once in a while, Sheetcam will fail to completely load on my Linux computer. Sometimes all I get is the Blue splash screen, sometimes I’ll get that and a blank window behind it. It only does this on my table computer, and it’s running Xubuntu 14.04 with the CandCNC kernel, so this may have nothing to do with Sheetcam. I can either terminate the program using the Task Manager, or sometimes it will terminate itself. There sometimes is a message box that pops up behind the blue splash screen, but I can’t read it because evidently the splash screen is set to always be on top, and I can’t move either it or the message box underneath to see what the message is. I’m thinking that maybe the message box will give me a clue as to what is going on. I can see just the edge of a button on the message box, and if I click on that edge, it will terminate Sheetcam. Usually Sheetcam will start all right the next try. Yesterday I finally had to restart the computer to get Sheetcam to load.

So what I’m asking is if there is a way to not have the Blue splash screen set to “always on top”, so then I can read the message box and see if it gives me a clue as to why Sheetcam stopped loading.

Thanks for all that you do, Steve. (and Merry Christmas)

Hi Steve,

Start a terminal (click on the button on the top left of the screen and select ‘terminal emulator’). Now enter:


You will now see a bunch of diagnostic stuff as SheetCam starts.

Thanks Les, I’ll give that a try next trip to the shop.
