Scriber on while moving the offsets to first scribe

Scribing while moving to offset position…example code below…
Lines N0140 and N0150 should be after line N0160…???
This used to work, think problem started after an update some time ago.
Thanks for any help…


N0000 (Filename: misc bkt.tap)
N0010 (Post processor: MP1000-THC - scriber.scpost)
N0020 (Date: 9/15/2012)
N0030 G20 (Units: Inches)
N0040 F1
N0050 G53 G90 G40
N0060 (Part: misc bkt)
N0070 (Process: Drill, holes, T101: Scriber, 0 in Deep)
N0080 G00 X3.1250 Y2.2500
N0090 G28.1 Z0.12 F19.685
N0100 G92 Z0.0
N0110 G00 Z0.2339
N0120 G92 Z0.0
N0130 G00 Z0.7500
N0140 M08
N0150 G04 P0.5
N0160 G01 X0.0935 Y2.8406 F90.0
N0170 M09
N0180 G04 P0.5
N0190 G00
N0200 X-0.6565 Y3.4656


I can’t see anything obviously wrong with the post I have here. Could you upload a copy of your post processor.

Thanks for the quick response. This is not a big problem, just an annoyance as I can easily edit the gcode.
