What camera(s) would you recommend for Scanything? Preferably something availably via Amazon here in the US if at all possible?
Could a gopro be used, assuming image stabilization was disabled?
What camera(s) would you recommend for Scanything? Preferably something availably via Amazon here in the US if at all possible?
Could a gopro be used, assuming image stabilization was disabled?
I’ve had very good success with ELP cameras, such as this https://www.amazon.com/ELP-2-8-12mm-Varifocal-1-3megapixel-Android/dp/B01N8YH5VY/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=elp+camera&qid=1697639397&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
Even lighting is very important and these cameras don’t have a built in light. I’ve found car LED ring lights work well as they fit over the lens giving a nice bright light with few shadows https://www.amazon.com/EverBright-Cotton-Lights-Headlight-Housing/dp/B07WHY1DWM/ref=sr_1_26_sspa?crid=36ICL1XHAKH4N&keywords=angel%2Beye%2Blight&qid=1697639552&sprefix=angel%2Beye%2Blight%2Caps%2C177&sr=8-26-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1
A GoPro probbaly won’t work. They have onboard processing which delays the image. This latency causes problems for Scanything.