Problems with plate marker

There seems to be an issue with the plate marker tool.
Here are the same job, one with a .001 leadin on the plate marker and one without (normal) You will note that even in your simulation program you loose the first horizontal line with no leading. I was having this issue on a larger project and narrowed it down on this simple calibration drawing.

I ran both jobs in simulation and they both look correct. What problem exactly are you seeing?

The inside square box has no bottom on the non leadin tap. The Z moves over to the right lower side of the box does not turn on the scriber until it starts its vertical climb on the left.
Does the same thing in real life.

Here are some screen prints of Mach3 not liking the post.
I have tried SC 6.0.15 and 6.1.21. I have also tried other posts.
Currently using DTHCIV 11D

Here is the Job that I need to get done. If i run the scribe tool it doesn’t turn on the scribe on two the the lines of the two triangles. If i use a torch as the tool, it runs fine.

Dan At LDR found the problem. It is with the CandCNC Post Processor 11D (and some others)

Here is his fix (tested it and it fixed it)

Re: Not scribing first line if scribing only?

Postby dhelfter » Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:38 pm
Finally had some time to revisit this issue. Was working on the post processor, to add some other features we needed for a custom machine, and spotted the problem.
Under the function OnPenDown() Look for the section of that function for the scribe
you will see (after lots of if then statements)

post.ModalText (" G00 “)
post.ModalNumber (” Z", (endZ + offZ) * scale, “0.000”)
post.ModalNumber (" X", (endX + offX) * scale, “0.000”)
post.ModalNumber (" Y", (endY + offY) * scale, “0.000”)

endX and endY need to be changed to currentX and currentY

Just tested it here at our shop, and it works fine.