Hi All,
I am nearing completion of my router setup on my plasma table. I am wondering if I can get some direction as to how to do a homing X, Y & Z probe and offset by way of running a g-code.
I am running Command CNC Bladerunner and currently have a home switch for X & Y with a floating Z home switch, all of which work perfectly for the plasma setup by homing each of the axes separately.
I have seen some videos wherein a keystroke seems to execute all of the axes homing and offsetting in succession to and against an aluminum plate wired in somehow.
I also wonder if I can use, extend and combine the same wires that go to the 3 home switches for the purpose of the router homing, with the bit grounded as most do in the various videos that I have seen.
With all of that stated, I am not sure if all of this questioning is appropriate on this forum, but if not, please direct me.
Thank you,