Hi Folks,
please bear with me I’m an absolute know-nowt regarding gcode and post processors!
I run a plasma table with a Razordance THC unit.
I can set the desired cut volts for this via the S word in my gcode on tool changes
I want to be able to do this via the tools set in sheetcam
I’m led to believe that I can do this by defining a custom tool parameter which is done in the post processor, then calling this parameter at tool changes in the post processor.
To that end I have added this line:
post.DefineCustomToolParam(“PlasmaTool”, “THC volts”, “setvolts”, sc.unit0DECPLACE, 49, 0, 200)
and then this is my tool change section:
function OnToolChange()
post.Text (" M06 T")
post.Number (tool, “0”)
post.ModalNumber(" F",feedRate * scale,“0.#”)
post.Text (" S")
post.Number (setvolts, “0”)
post.Text (" (", toolName, “)\n”)
This doesn’t work, when I try to save the post processor edit it says that this bit is wrong: post.DefineCustomToolParam(“PlasmaTool”, “THC volts”, “setvolts”, sc.unit0DECPLACE, 49, 0, 200)
pardon my probable stupidity! Does that line need to be in a particular context? What have I done wrong?
thanks in advance!