Odd behavior on Sheetcam Linux


Ive been using sheetcam for about 2 years. So far I have always used it on Windows with great results but now my setup is a laptop running Mint Linux and I am running into an annoying issue.

Whever I go to post out my gcode there is always an incorrect value for the retract height. I have gone into the Job Options → Material window and changed the value to 1" and the gcode comes out with G0Z645.7 when I was expecting it to be G0Z1. Whenver I go back into the materials window the rapid clearance box will still say 1 inch until I click on the box then it automatically changes the value to 645.7 inches. Ive gone through the motions a few times and the number it uses seems to be random.

Either I am doing something wrong here or there is a bug in this version of sheetcam (7.1.35 Linux installed using the installer). This is for Plasma cutting using the “GRBL with THC” post.

Not sure what to do about this. I can manually update the GCode or edit the post to always use a hardcoded value for the time being but it does not seem like that should be necessary as I have never experienced anythiong like this on the windows version. Also the retract height is pretty easy to identify as being incorrect but now I’m not feeling confident that the other coordinates wont also be incorrect, I have not yet run a file created by sheetcam on linux so thats just me being cautious.

Does anyone know if the windows executable will run ok on Linux with wine?


Could something in the post be updating the value used by SheetCam? I’m not sure if this is possible, but it sounds logical. Is your post one that is included with SheetCam or have you modified it or gotten it from another source?

I am using the GRBL THC with scriber post processor that ships with sheetcam.