No drawing translated into g-code


I’m trying to use sheetcam to create g-code for my plasma cutter which uses Mach 3 to operate. When I generate g-code and open this .tap fail what was created then there is just a drawing file name and cutting parameters. Drawing have not been translated. On sheetcam all is ok and cutting path is correct. Is there something I have missed?

Are you sure the cut paths are correct in SheetCam? Does the simulation work?

The symptoms you describe sound like you haven’t created any cut operations or they are all disabled.

Yes, I have created cut operation but simulation does not work either. Post protcessor displays messaga that feed rate is zero. But my feed rate is set under jet cutting tool. Can I define it elswere?

If simulation doesn’t work then there are no cut paths. Do you have the correct layer selected in each cut operation? Can you post a copy of the job file (file->save job) here or send it to me in an email so I can take a look at it.

here is my job file

Well, that’s strange. It works perfectly for me. It simulates and generates code correctly. Have you got a license installed? I have seen similar problems before when someone had a corrupted license file.

If you look in Help->about, does it say if SheetCam is registered?

Yes, it’s registred to some lou. I tried to make fresh install but somehow it find my old machine configuration and the same lou. How can I cange it into demo or non registred version?