Means of showing drawing faults

Hi Les,

a guy on Plasmaspider wrote this:

I get errors sometimes in sheetcam that shows some paths were not generated correctly. There could be a problem with the drawing.
I usually just follow the rapids lines and can find it, but on a file that has a lot of pierces that takes a lot of time. Do any of you know a quicker way? I hope one day Les will have it show the problem if it knows there is one.

Is there any way currently to have these drawing faults highlighted for easy identification. If not it would be a fantastic time saver to have them stand out like a sore thumb somehow. I too regularly have to hunt for these “wrong pierce points” by following the rapid lines.


The ‘Paths were not generated correctly’ warning is where SheetCam starts generating tool paths and finds it is completely lost. By that point it doesn’t really know where the fault is. It just knows something is wrong.

Odd pierces due to gaps can be quite quick to find if you use 3D view. Make sure ‘View->show true width’ is turned off and make sure you are in view toolpaths mode (Mode->view toolpaths). Hold the shift key then click and drag on the graphic display. This rotates the display in 3D which makes it a lot easier to see where the pierces are.

Thanks for that Les, I’ll give it a go.
