Holding Tabs at end of line


I am looking for a option to add a holding tab on the end of the cuting line from an outside cut line of a part

if i use the holdig tabs function it place the tab random on the part and if i set overcut to -1 it do this also on inside cuts

is there a option to place it on the end of the outside cutting line (to place on another layer it will not do keeps parts togheter)

I want on S2 at the end a holding tab

with overcut on -5 it do this also for inside cut

I’m afraid the only way to do this will be to move the outer contour onto a different layer then use a negative overcut value.
It’s fairly quick to move outer contours to a different layer in SheetCam. Switch to edit contours mode, right click and select ‘Select all outside contours->from all layers’ then right-click again and Move to layer->new layer.