I’ve had this strange thing going on the last few months whenever I edit a post in SheetCam TNG. If I change a value in the post, i.e. switchOffset, save the post, then go to exit SheetCam, SheetCam crashes. It’s not a big deal, I don’t change things in the posts that often. The change does take effect the next time you open SheetCam. I’m running SheetCam TNG on Windows 7.
I just thought I’d mention it, just in case someone was bored and needed something to keep himself busy.
Hi Steve,
I can’t seem to replicate that fault here. SheetCam seems to close correctly after editing a post.
I’ll do a little more in depth trouble-shooting when I get some spare time. I’ll try it out on my back-up computer, and see if I can see what’s going on.
I did a little more testing, and can duplicate the problem every time now. I open SheetCam TNG, open Options, Choose Machine, Choose Post processor Tab, Edit Post button, then choose quit under the File menu. (If I click on the red X to quit the edit program, everything works OK.)
When I exit SheetCam TNG using either the red X or the File menu Exit, then I get the “We are very sorry but SheetCam TNG has encountered an internal error. It would be very helpful if you could send a debug report so we can try to find out what went wrong” After clicking OK in the message box, there will be a flash of another message box, then SheetCam ends.
I don’t change anything in the Post, and I don’t load any file into Sheetcam.
Tomorrow I’ll try the same thing on my backup computer to see if it does the same thing.
Thanks for that bit of detective work. I can now replicate the fault here. I’ll make sure it is fixed for the next release.
I never use file->quit which is why I never saw the fault.