For use on a plasma table, I would like to set the default min / max hole size to .01 and .1
This is for a drill operatoin (peck)
I have looked through the settings, but can’t seem to find where this is set.
For use on a plasma table, I would like to set the default min / max hole size to .01 and .1
This is for a drill operatoin (peck)
I have looked through the settings, but can’t seem to find where this is set.
perhaps there is some confusion re. Sheetcam’s Drill Operation when plasma cutting.
First of all, understand that Sheetcam auto recognizes circles (aka holes) only if the circle is drawn within a specification tolerance named in Options-Application Options-Drawing Import , the field aptly named. This is the max drawing deviation from a true circle.
So given circle recognition, only ‘recognized’ circles are subjects of a Drill Operation in the specified layer of the Operation. The Drill Op has parameters to limit ‘drilling’ to holes (aka circles) that fall with min and max diameter specified in the op.
The post processor (pp) Drill Op implementation (aka gcode) for any CNC cutting process is user defined in the pp by the OnDrill() function. Usually, for plasma process, this is a peck, but you define the peck, it can be as simple as this:
function OnDrill()
OnPenDown() – do a pierce as defined by the tool
endZ = drillZ – cutHeight as defined by the tool
endZ = safeZ
There is no other specification needed to ‘drill’ holes (peck the center point) via plasma process. You can draw your holes any size you like, just make sure they qualify within the min/max diameter you also cite in the Drill Operation.
THANK YOU for the reply. I’m refering to the Drill Operation. I would like to be able to set these valuse to .01 and .1 for all tools. and for Sheetcam to remember them.
Min and max hole size default to a percentage of the kerf width. The default is +/-10%, so min will be 90% and max will 110% of the kerf. You can change the percentage in Options->application options->Advanced->Drill hole tolerance.