Hey Les,
Is it possible or would it be possible to apply different leadin/leadout/overcut values to inside vs outside contours?
My issue here is i want a small holding tab on the outside contour, so i set a -.015" overcut and turn leadout off. This keeps parts from falling and crashing. But i do not want the numerous holes on the parts to be tabbed, they are small enough to fall free and not cause an issue. If i move the inside to a different layer and use a different operation, i lose the ability to keep parts together which is absolutely critical to me. If i break up the manually nested drawing, then i run into the blasted issue of the open contour etch lines being seen as separate parts and causing another world of issues.
Fixing the open contour etch line issue i have mentioned several times would remedy this, but I understand that may be a very difficult thing to do.
Also, the negative overcut override per start point seems to still be an issue.