Depth from dxf and entry and exit options

I have a couple of hopefully small feature requests. We currently use a Solidworks plugin that allows us to breakout our parts with layer names based on the appropriate tool and operation type. This works well with the template function in sheet cam except the system has no provision for setting the depth of the operation automatically. Our Enroute atp package (which I hate) uses the line weight in the dxf to set depth, but our plugin also has the option to append the depth with a separating character to the layer name. Would it be possible for sheetcam to use either in the template function to automatically set the depth of the tool path operation? In addition, is there a way to have the cut start default to the longest straight side and have an entry and exit parameter that is a 3d line which is colinear to the toolpath on the x and y axis?

I replied to your email but it bounced.

As this is specific to your application I can’t add it to the main program. I will put some thought into making a plugin for this. Could you send me some example drawings with the layer names configured. Note that a custom plugin would be chargeable.

In addition, is there a way to have the cut start default to the longest straight side

Not at the moment. Generally it is better to start on a corner so this is what SheetCam does.

have an entry and exit parameter that is a 3d line which is colinear to the toolpath on the x and y axis?

Not at the moment. However it would be a worthwhile addition and I will look into it.

Hi Les,

I have sent you another email with attachments. I will check in on the board more frequently to see your responses.


Hi Les,

Did you ever have a chance to review the files I sent you? This feature would be life changing for us. The only reason we own seats of enroute over sheetcam is the automatic tool path functionality which is the same as your “templates” except the ATP automatically divines the depth from the dxf. Again, I can append the depth to the layer name automatically with any separator characters etc. that you might want.