After I updated SheetCam to the latest versions, I’ve noticed this little anomaly. When I first used Sheetcam, I went into options/Job/material, and set my material size to 48" by 48", the size that I normally use on my machine. Sheetcam remembered this size, and always displayed it when I started up Sheetcam.
Now when I start up Sheetcam, it displays the material as being 12.5664" by 40". I change it to 48" by 48", but Sheetcam no longer remembers it, always reverting back to 12.5664" by 40". Is there a way to change the default size to 48" by 48"?
It’s really kinda a minor thing, but it is one more step to change the job material size every time you start up Sheetcam.
I’m on version 6.0.11, but it’s been doing it the last 2 or 3 updates.
Go to Options->job options and change the size to 48" x 48". Go back to Options->job options and check the size. Has it changed? If not, close SheetCam and restart it. Is the size still 48x48?
Les, that’s what I’ve been doing. I just did it again, just to be sure. I went to Options/ Job Options/ Material, and put in the 48 x 48 again. I’ve tried just clicking OK, and I’ve tried saving the material. In either event, if I come back to the options without closing Sheetcam, the 48 x 48 will be there. If I quit Sheetcam, and then restart it and go back to the options, it’s back to 12.5664 X 40, which is strange because I’ve never used such a strange size.
It sounds like SheetCam is not able to save it’s setings for some reason. Does it remember any of the other settings in job options, machine options or application options?
It remembers its Application and Machine options ok. It seems to be confined to just the job options. I’m upgrading to a newer computer for my drawing applications later today, so I’ll just download the newest Sheetcam version to it and see what happens then.
Got the new computer running today and downloaded Sheetcam from the website. Works fine, so I guess the old computer was just confused. It was an old computer, so it’s logical that it was losing it’s memory!
Anyone else have his problem? I have a new computer and sheet cam installation. I also am having the same issue as described in the issue below. WyoGreen’s fix was a new computer. Is there any other fix for this issue of the default material size always being 12.5664 by 40"?
rename the sheetcam data folder to anything other than what it is now, to preserve the contents if you want them later, especially your license file if you don’t have a backup of the original.
The folder should be here: [windows userid]\AppData\Roaming\SheetCam TNG
uninstall your current version of sheetcam
install 7.0.21. This will created a new data folder, .ini, default tools, etc. None of your previous artifacts will be used.
launch sheetcam 7.0.21. goto menu Help-‘install license’ and point to the backup of your original license file. restart sheetcam.