All pierces first?

I’m using sheetcam and am wanting it to pierce all the lead ins first. That way I can swap to new consumables and clean the top dross from the pierce. This is easy enough with holes using a drill op, but how about the perimeter of parts?

You will have to copy & edit your post processor to only perform the rapids & pierces and ignore the cut moves. What post are you using?

I’m using the Warprunner post from Warp9. I’m not sure I want to have to switch posts every time, I was hoping there was a solution with in SC. Thanks for the reply.

There is a plugin that makes toolbar buttons that will let you easily run more that one post. I believe it’s called moreposts. You could also add a setting to your post that would allow a switch of sorts in the operation that would toggle the pierces only. I think it would be easier to have 2 different posts.