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Path rules don't apply to shapes, tool feed rate and dry run

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 9:05 pm
Good day.

New user here I managed to get my machine up and running.
Using sheet Cam to generate g-codes...
I had some issues with the torch diving into the work (using a TCM3IN1from Warp/AVID)
With no THC works great.
I changed the lead ins and voltage readings and seems to be going better.

I am going to cut some expensive sheet and would want to avoid any possible mistakes.

1. After many hours of reading and videos it seems people use path rules to have the THC working.
No 1 issue Path rules doesn't apply to shapes when selecting default path rules.? I thought it was great since I do not need to make it but it seems not working when using anything other than [outside offset]
I made a new rule to test circle smaller than 3" 60% fr THC off then on... for some reason it doesn't apply to a 1" circle
When it is set at [outside offset] it does select the 1" circle when it is at [No offset or inside offset] it doesn't select this...any reason for this?

2.When selecting tool feed rate which is the feed rate that goes?
The one at the Jet cutting tab or the one at the Jet tool tab because you can change either setting but the won't override each other so which on goes? so which would be the one that goes into the gcode?

3.Dry run? How to do this in sheet cam? This is a must for me.

These are my main issues right now this is a Router/plasma and rotary combo....Router works great, Plasma is almost there and then to the rotary.
Any help is appreciated (many many hours and nights spend but I am almost there)

Thank you!