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Zero and other measurements

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:21 am
by rockaukum
Recently when I set the zero (Mach3) on the machine and load the code created in sheetcam and then check some reference points I find that it is off. It is anywhere from 3+ to 4+ inches off on the Y and much less off on the X. It is always away from the piece, towards the table zero. Just wondering if anyone else has this issue and how did they resolve it. I have drawn the cut several times with a freshly loaded blank page in Inkscape. When I "select all", the only thing that shows up is the drawing. So I feel that the drawing is correct. When loaded into sheetcam there is nothing but the drawing. Nothing outside the drawing to show the zero point. When I run the simulation within sheetcam, It starts away from the drawing to the lower left. I don't know if this is standard or not but I have been searching for the source and can't seem to find it.
Next issue. Drawing in Inkscape and create a rectangle with rounded corners set to 1.75 wide and .75 high, it comes up short on the cut. 1.625 x .625. Not sure why this is now happening so any insight would be great!
Thanks Much!