--************************************************ --*** Set these values up to suit your machine *** --************************************************ --Sonradan forumdan görüp ekledim-Eren --Delikleri 4 eksen yapsın diye --post.SetOptions(post.ARC_SEGMENTS) resolution = 0.1 --this is the distance between each torch reference in MILLIMETRES refDistance = 75 --this is the reference feed rate in mm/min refFeed = 500 --Put your switch offset value here in MILLIMETRES switchOffset = 1.5 --Scriber X,Y,Z offsets in MILLIMETRES. Do not use inches here even if you want inch code --Use the special code 'nil' on the Z axis to disable it. --In that case no Z values will be output at all while scribing. --e.g scriberZ = nil scriberX = 0 scriberY = 0 scriberZ = 0 --scriber axis. --scriberAxis = "B" scriberAxis = "Z" --If this value is set to true then use G28 (home) for the Z reference --Set it to false for G31 probe refHome = false --rotary axis. Normally this would be "A" rotaryAxis = "A" --Number of units for one full revolution of the rotary axis --Note: In Mach3 the axis should be defined as linear, not rotary! unitsPerRev=360 --************************************************ --*** End of settings *** --************************************************ function OnAbout(event) ctrl = event:GetTextCtrl() ctrl:AppendText("Post for rotary-plasma plugin and Mach3 with optional engraver\n") ctrl:AppendText("\n") ctrl:AppendText("Modal G-codes and coordinates\n") ctrl:AppendText("Comments enclosed with ( and )\n") ctrl:AppendText("M03/M05 turn the torch on/off\n") ctrl:AppendText("M08/M09 turn the engraver on/off\n") ctrl:AppendText("Incremental IJ - set in mach2\n") ctrl:AppendText("The torch is referenced at cut start and every 500mm of movement thereafter\n") ctrl:AppendText("Post variables:\n") ctrl:AppendText("refDistance - set the distance between each reference\n") ctrl:AppendText("refFeed - set the feed rate when referencing\n") ctrl:AppendText("switchOffset - set your net switch offset amount \n") ctrl:AppendText("Scriber uses any tool number\n") end -- created 1/1/06 -- Based on plasma1.post -- Modified 21/6/2010 -- added option for 'nil' plate marker z -- Added support for plate marker tool type as well as tool number based plate marker -- Modified 4/11/2010 -- Added: Reference the torch on the first pen down if the plate marker is the first tool used. post.DefineVariable("refDistance",sc.unitLINEAR,0,1e17) post.DefineVariable("refFeed",sc.unitFEED,0,1e17) post.DefineVariable("switchOffset",sc.unitLINEAR,-1e17,1e17) function OnInit() offX = 0 offY = 0 offZ = 0 post.SetCommentChars ("()", "[]") --make sure ( and ) characters do not appear in system text post.Text (" (Filename: ", fileName, ")\n") post.Text (" (Post processor: ", postName, ")\n") post.Text (" (Date: ", date, ")\n") if(scale == metric) then post.Text (" G21 (Units: Metric)\n") --metric mode else post.Text (" G20 (Units: Inches)\n") --inch mode end post.Text ("\n G54 G90 G40\n") minArcSize = 0.1 --arcs smaller than this are converted to moves firstRef = true currentZAxis = "Z" dist = 9999999 lastz = 0 end function OnNewLine() post.Text ("N") post.Number (lineNumber, "0000") lineNumber = lineNumber + 10 end function OnFinish() endZ = safeZ OnRapid() endX = 0 endY = 0 offX = 0 offY = 0 offZ = 0 OnRapid() post.Text (" M05 M30\n") end function OnRapid() local len = math.hypot((endX + offX)-currentX , (endY + offY)-currentY) dist = dist + len post.ModalText (" G01") post.ModalNumber (" X", (endX + offX) * scale, "0.0000") post.ModalNumber (" Y", (endY + offY) * scale, "0.0000") post.ModalNumber (" " .. currentZAxis, (endZ + offZ) * scale, "0.0000") post.ModalNumber (" " .. rotaryAxis, endA, "0.0000") post.ModalText (" F5000") post.Eol() end function OnMove() local len = math.hypot(endX - currentX , endY - currentY) dist = dist + len post.ModalText (" G01") post.ModalNumber (" X", (endX + offX) * scale, "0.0000") post.ModalNumber (" Y", (endY + offY) * scale, "0.0000") post.ModalNumber (" " .. currentZAxis, (endZ + offZ) * scale, "0.0000") post.ModalNumber (" " .. rotaryAxis, endA, "0.0000") post.ModalNumber (" F", feedRate * scale, "0.0###") post.Eol() end function OnArc() post.ArcAsMoves(0.01) end function OnPenDown() sc.QueryDll(qryRAPIDY, endY, dllId) -- local matZ = sc.QueryDll(qryGETZ, 0, dllId) local matZ = sc.QueryDll(qryCHKEND, endY, dllId) if(toolClass == "MarkerTool") or tool > 99 then if (firstRef) then Reference() post.ModalText (" G01") post.Text(" Z") local clearZ = sc.QueryDll(qryGETSAFEZ, 0, dllId) post.Number ((clearZ + safeZ) * scale, "0.0000") post.Eol() offX = scriberX offY = scriberY offZ = scriberZ post.ModalNumber (" X", (currentX + offX) * scale, "0.0000") post.ModalNumber (" Y", (currentY + offY) * scale, "0.0000") post.Eol() end if (offZ) then post.ModalNumber (" " .. currentZAxis, (matZ + currentZ + offZ) * scale, "0.0000") post.Eol() end post.Text(" M08\n") else if(dist >= refDistance) then dist = 0 Reference(); end post.ModalText (" G01") post.Text(" Z") post.Number ((matZ + pierceHeight) * scale, "0.0000") post.ModalText (" F5000") post.Eol() if (preheat > 0) then post.Text ("\n G04 P") post.Number (preheat,"0.###") post.Eol() end post.Text ("\n M03\n") post.Text ("\n (M88 P8 L0)\n") end if (pierceDelay > 0) then post.Text (" G04 P") post.Number (pierceDelay,"0.###") post.Eol() end end function Reference() firstRef = false local matZ = sc.QueryDll(qryCHKEND, endY, dllId) if (refHome) then --post.ModalText(" G28.1 Z") --post.Number((3 + matZ) * scale, "0.00") else --post.ModalText(" G31 Z -100") end --post.ModalNumber (" F", refFeed * scale, "0.0###") --post.Eol() --post.ModalText(" G92 Z") --post.Number ((matZ - switchOffset) * scale, "0.0000") --post.Eol() end function OnPenUp() if(tool > 99) then post.Text(" M09\n") else post.Text (" M05\n") end if (endDelay > 0) then post.Text (" G04 P") post.Number (endDelay,"0.###") post.Eol() end end function OnNewOperation() post.Text (" (Operation: ", operationName, ")\n") end function OnToolChange() --post.Text("> " .. endX .. " " .. endY .. " " .. endZ .. "\n") if (toolClass == "MarkerTool" or tool > 99 ) then if(scriberAxis and scriberAxis ~= currentZAxis) then endZ = safeZ OnRapid() currentZAxis = scriberAxis end if(firstRef ~= true) then offX = scriberX offY = scriberY offZ = scriberZ end else if(scriberAxis and scriberAxis == currentZAxis) then endZ = safeZ OnRapid() currentZAxis = "Z" end offX = 0 offY = 0 offZ = 0 end end function OnNewPart() post.Text(" (Part: ",partName,")\n"); end function OnDrill() OnRapid() OnPenDown() endZ = drillZ OnMove() OnPenUp() endZ = safeZ OnRapid() end package.path = sc.Globals:Get().thisDir .. "/plugins/RotaryPlasma/?.lua" require("rotaryhelper")