Velocità discesa asse z allo 0

Scusate la domanda ma sono nuovo. Volevo chiedere da dove s’imposta la velocità della discesa dell’asse z fino a che incontra la lamiera e nello stesso tempo fa scattare il microinteruttore. Grazie molte a tutti

translation: “Sorry for the question but I’m new. I wanted to ask where the speed of the descent of the z-axis is set until it meets the sheet metal and at the same time trips the microswitch. Thank you very much to all”

This appears to be a question related to probing Z to set the initial torch height prior to cut. In that case the probe command and the Z feedrate is set by specific code in the post processor, usually in the function OnPenDown(). Numerous variations of this probe cycle exist in equally numerous post processors for plasma cutting.

In some controller cases such as UCCNC, a controller macro handles the probe cycles, M31 I believe. How the parameters are set in that case I do not know.

Thank you very much for your reply. Unfortunately I am ignorant on the subject and I kindly ask if maybe you could pass me this postprocessor for 0 Z. Thank you very much.

in sheetcam, menu Options-Machine-‘Post Processor’, select the post processor from the drop down list that matches your controller. I believe from your email info you’d first try ‘UCCNC plasma’. However, you’ll need to research with UCCNC company or the user guide how M31 macro is programmed in the controller, that appears to be the torch probe command that the pp uses.