I am getting an apparent strange order of gcode commands from my PP. It apparently has to do with the order the OnPenUp and OnNewOperation functions are evaluated. On the first operation in a file it appears to be the way I would expect it but not on subsequent ones. Please see the attached code snippet:
X8.906 Y2.209 I-0.056 J-0.030
X8.841 Y2.276 I-0.003 J0.062
(Operation: No Offset, outside, T41: Finecut 14ga steel)
o<endcut> call
G0 Z2.250
I would expect the new operation message to be posted after the o call (after the OnPenUp function). What should be happening here? Please find attached the text of the PP I am trying to use. This is a work in progress and not for production use.
My_third_try_LCNC.scpost (27.1 KB)