
I have several drawings that were drawn in HYCAD and exported as a DXF in a Burn Tables setup. I switched to CandCNC electronics with a Linux computer. I have the latest version of Sheetcam. When I import into Sheetcam some lines are duplicated and some arc’s are broke. Not all files but 3 out of 4. I am real green at this. When I try to export them as a SVG it ask me for the width and height. Not sure what to put there. Any help is much appreaceated.

Duplicated lines can only be in the drawing. You will have to edit the dxf files to delete them. What exactly do you mean when you say some of the arcs are broken?

When 2 arcs are connected in the drawing and when I import to sheetcam there is space between them.

I completely check another drawing and imported it in sheetcam and it was good. I will check all drawings before I load them in sheetcam. May it is HYCAD that screws with them.

There is a few gaps in the drawing, I was using Solidworks which has a sketch check tool, there was 8 errors - slight gaps or overlap
Try this file.

Thank You I don’t know what is causing my files to do this . I will just check everyone.