V4.1.22 released

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Les Newell
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Posts: 3685
Joined: Thu May 11, 2006 8:12 pm

V4.1.22 released

Post by Les Newell »

Hi all,

I have just uploaded V4.1.22 to www.sheetcam.com. This version has the following changes:

Fixed: Start points moving when loading a job or part
Fixed: Part most recent files list not updating when loading a part
Fixed: Part name displayed as 'new part' when loading a part
Fixed: 'Calculating polygon nexting' and progress bar staying on status bar
Fixed: Part outline, start points and paths staying on the screen when you delete it
Fixed: Incorrect highlight outline when clicking on parts in the part tree.
Fixed: Preferred cut direction the wrong way round in 'keep parts together' mode
Fixed: Sometimes locking up if moving contours between layers when 'keep parts together' is selected
Fixed: Sometimes crashing when generating graphics
Fixed: Undoing move contours between layers not working correctly
Fixed: Undo delete part not working
Fixed: Deleting a part with duplicates sometimes deletes all parts

It looks like some of my more recent changes have allowed a lot of silly little bugs to creep in. If you know of any irritating bugs or issues, please let me know. I need to tidy things up a bit before making any more major changes.


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