External control of SheetCAM from Visual Basic / VBA

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Les Newell
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External control of SheetCAM from Visual Basic / VBA

Post by Les Newell »

Hi James,

The version of SheetCam shouldn't matter. The job file code hasn't
changed in well over a year. I loaded the file directly. Were you
loading it via the plugin?

Hi Les,

That JOB file does nothing at all for me! What version did you use for test? Is it possible the plugin is interfering with this? I will try deleting the plugin tomorrow.

I loaded it directly also

Post by jemmyell »

Hi Les,

No, it is a mystery. I loaded it directly also and nothing appeared. I will work on this more when I get to my day job.


Ok getting somewhere now

Post by jemmyell »

Hi Les,

I had assumed that since a full path to the drawing (my DXF) is kept in the JOB file that the drawing would be opened when I loaded the JOB file. The two lines that show that the 'layer does not exist' for my two defined tools / layers were almost hidden off the bottom of the screen. After I found those I had an idea, and tried opening the drawing manually.

When I open the drawing, the JOB files does display all data correctly.

Will I need to open the drawing separately in my code, or is this a bug that you want to fix?

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Les Newell
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External control of SheetCAM from Visual Basic / VBA

Post by Les Newell »

Hi James,

SheetCam expects to find the drawing data in the [BinaryDataStart]
section. As you have left the section blank you need to manually load
the drawing.

Hi Les,

I had assumed that since a full path to the drawing (my DXF) is kept in the JOB file that the drawing would be opened when I loaded the JOB file. The two lines that show that the 'layer does not exist' for my two defined tools / layers were almost hidden off the bottom of the screen. After I found those I had an idea, and tried opening the drawing manually.

When I open the drawing, the JOB files does display all data correctly.

Will I need to open the drawing separately in my code, or is this a bug that you want to fix?
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