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Post by todd@prowleraviation.c... »

Hi Les,

I have been tweaking on my Fagor 8025M PP to get it to work with my Fagor 8040MC control. I have attached the current version of my PP.

I've gotten most of the bugs out except two items.

First, the F8040 supports 6 digit program numbers. So, I've tried to take the following part of the PP:
post.DefineCustomOption("Program number","progNumber",sc.unit0DECPLACE,0,99999)
function OnInit()
line= 10
nolines = true
post.Text ("%")
post.Number(progNumber, "0")

and modify the: sc.unit0DECPLACE,0,99999)
to: sc.unit0DECPLACE,0,999999)

And also modify the: post.Number(progNumber, "0")

to: post.Number(progNumber, "000000")

But the output is comes out: %099999

Second, the feedrate on any G02 or G03 command is coming out with a decimal feedrate. I really only need integer feedrates (for example: the PP is putting out F8.0 and I really only need F8)

I have tried to modify (in several different ways):
post.ModalNumber (" F", feedRate * scale, "0.0###")
In each of the G02 and G03 PP routines to get an integer result - but I have not been successful.

Can you please advise me on the necessary changes to make?

Thank you for your time and assistance,
Todd Papesh

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